Harry Pothead and the Chamber of Weed

Ok, Harry Potter isn't normal, blah, blah, blah; important stuff that everyone who reads the books know.
But what you don't know is that Mr. Potter had a certain addiction, cough; weed; ahem; cough, to a certain drug. Oh, yes. Harry was addicted to weed. Can't really blame him can you? The pressure of O.W.L.'s. I myself find it very amusing, while, others, did not.
"Harry it's bad for you! Wouldn't you much rather sniff crack instead?" Hermione asked him.
"Hmm. No, not really." He said looking at McGonagall to make sure she wasn't listening. Weed was banned from school grounds for it caused sudden urges to dance with violins...
"Well then. I think you should come see this," Hermione said pulling him out of his chair and down the hall. For the sake of the plot, no one saw them even if they were looking right at them.
"Woah," was all Harry could manage. Written on the wall in green-died weed was this message:
The chamber of Weed has been opened. The one who finds it first gets it all. Yum.
"Isn't this great? Now you can find the Weed and smoke yourself silly! Hooray!" Hermione said.
"If you say so."
So Harry set off to find the chamber of weed, which he found in seconds by using Accio weed. While he was gone Draco Malfoy hooked up with Ginny and Hermione made out with Ron. Ah, drugs. They suck don't do them unless you want to end up like Mr. Pothead over here.
Hugs not drugs
''Written by natashatothemoon from Fanfiction.net''